Table 1.

Anxiety tests in Cacna1a+/+ and ePet-Cre/Cacna1a−/− micea

Open field
    Duration in center (s)174.80 ± 18.69129.87 ± 9.540.062
    Latency to first (s)18.56 ± 4.4315.81 ± 5.190.456
Elevated Plus Maze
    Duration in open arms (s)8.73 ± 2.6414.96 ± 4.160.256
    Frequency in open arms (s)1.11 ± 0.321.59 ± 0.330.251
    Latency to first (s)210 ± 29.54133.29 ± 30.400.054
    Number of head dips1.22 ± 0.422.29 ± 0.780.465
Place Preference Test
    Duration in light zone (s)78.86 ± 9.0393.06 ± 5.200.166
    Latency to first (s)37.79 ± 21.2711.18 ± 3.270.852
Novelty Suppressed Feeding
    Latency to eat (s)116.89 ± 22.8765.53 ± 10.130.102
    Food consumption (mg)104.0 ± 11.70139.0 ± 10.500.032
  • aData are mean ± SEM.