Articles, Neurobiology of Disease
PDE-4 Inhibition Rescues Aberrant Synaptic Plasticity in Drosophila and Mouse Models of Fragile X Syndrome
Catherine H. Choi, Brian P. Schoenfeld, Eliana D. Weisz, Aaron J. Bell, Daniel B. Chambers, Joseph Hinchey, Richard J. Choi, Paul Hinchey, Maria Kollaros, Michael J. Gertner, Neal J. Ferrick, Allison M. Terlizzi, Nicole Yohn, Eric Koenigsberg, David A. Liebelt, R. Suzanne Zukin, Newton H. Woo, Michael R. Tranfaglia, Natalia Louneva, Steven E. Arnold, Steven J. Siegel, Francois V. Bolduc, Thomas V. McDonald, Thomas A. Jongens and Sean M. J. McBride
Journal of Neuroscience 7 January 2015, 35 (1) 396-408;