Articles, Behavioral/Cognitive
Quantifying the Microvascular Origin of BOLD-fMRI from First Principles with Two-Photon Microscopy and an Oxygen-Sensitive Nanoprobe
Louis Gagnon, Sava Sakadžić, Frédéric Lesage, Joseph J. Musacchia, Joël Lefebvre, Qianqian Fang, Meryem A. Yücel, Karleyton C. Evans, Emiri T. Mandeville, Jülien Cohen-Adad, Jon̈athan R. Polimeni, Mohammad A. Yaseen, Eng H. Lo, Douglas N. Greve, Richard B. Buxton, Anders M. Dale, Anna Devor and David A. Boas
Journal of Neuroscience 25 February 2015, 35 (8) 3663-3675;