ARTICLE, Cellular/Molecular
Polyglutamine-Expanded Ataxin-7 Promotes Non-Cell-Autonomous Purkinje Cell Degeneration and Displays Proteolytic Cleavage in Ataxic Transgenic Mice
Gwenn A. Garden, Randell T. Libby, Ying-Hui Fu, Yoshito Kinoshita, Jing Huang, Daniel E. Possin, Annette C. Smith, Refugio A. Martinez, Gabriel C. Fine, Sara K. Grote, Carol B. Ware, David D. Einum, Richard S. Morrison, Louis J. Ptacek, Bryce L. Sopher and Albert R. La Spada
Journal of Neuroscience 15 June 2002, 22 (12) 4897-4905;