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Do astrocytes really exocytose neurotransmitters?

Key Points

  • Ca2+-dependent exocytosis of glutamate, D-serine and ATP from astrocytes has been proposed to add a novel layer of information processing to the nervous system. It is suggested that these 'gliotransmitters' alter neuronal excitability and transmitter release, and cause damage in pathological conditions.

  • Exocytosis of transmitters from cultured astrocytes is well established, and astrocytes in situ express the protein machinery needed to accumulate transmitters in vesicles and to release the vesicles. Various different-sized membrane compartments may mediate exocytosis from astrocytes.

  • However, when the intracellular Ca2+ concentration increases in astrocytes in situ, it is hard to be certain that the resulting transmitter release is from astrocytes rather than neurons.

  • Non-exocytotic transmitter release mechanisms also exist in astrocytes, and exocytosis is used to insert non-exocytotic release proteins into the surface membrane.

  • Establishing, first, the exact Ca2+ signal needed in astrocytes in situ to trigger transmitter release, second, what determines where transmitter is released and, third, the relative importance of exocytotic and non-exocytotic release mechanisms, would considerably advance our understanding of the role of astrocytes in information processing.


In the past 20 years, an extra layer of information processing, in addition to that provided by neurons, has been proposed for the CNS. Neuronally evoked increases of the intracellular calcium concentration in astrocytes have been suggested to trigger exocytotic release of the 'gliotransmitters' glutamate, ATP and D-serine. These are proposed to modulate neuronal excitability and transmitter release, and to have a role in diseases as diverse as stroke, epilepsy, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease and HIV infection. However, there is intense controversy about whether astrocytes can exocytose transmitters in vivo. Resolving this issue would considerably advance our understanding of brain function.

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Figure 1: Proposed functional effects of glutamate, D-serine and ATP release from astrocytes.
Figure 2: Methods for evoking or inhibiting Ca2+-dependent transmitter release from astrocytes.
Figure 3: Proteins proposed to mediate exocytosis from neurons and astrocytes.
Figure 4: Non-exocytotic and hybrid release mechanisms for neurotransmitters.
Figure 5: Membrane trafficking steps that are Ca2+- and TeNT-sensitive.

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We thank A. Gibb for carrying out simulations, and A. Volterra, P. Bezzi and V. Gundersen for vigorous debate on these issues. Our work is supported by the Wellcome Trust, the Fondation Leducq and the European Research Council.

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Correspondence to David Attwell.

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The authors declare no competing financial interests.

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Uncaging of Ca2+

Illumination of a chelator ('cage') that binds Ca2+ triggers release of the Ca2+ and a rise of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in the illuminated cell.


A drug that blocks NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors containing NR2B subunits, which are found mainly in extrasynaptic locations.


(Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor). A protein located in the vesicle membrane or plasma membrane that interacts with other SNAREs to pull the membranes together to promote fusion.

Time constant

The time for an exponential to decay to 1/e of its initial value.

Decaying exponential

A function used to describe the time course of a synaptic glutamate concentration transient, which has a certain amplitude at time zero and decays exponentially with a certain time constant thereafter.

Open probability

The fraction of time for which an ion channel is open.

Kiss-and-run exocytosis

A mode of transmitter release in which vesicles form only a transient fusion pore with the plasma membrane, rather than undergoing full fusion.

Sniffer cell

A cell expressing transmitter-sensing ion channels that detects as a change in membrane current the release of transmitter from other cells.

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Hamilton, N., Attwell, D. Do astrocytes really exocytose neurotransmitters?. Nat Rev Neurosci 11, 227–238 (2010).

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