33 files

Multiple image alignment of neuronal staining using anti-NeuN-DAB staining of sham mice and 28 days after 30 min MCAo and delayed treatment with 5 µg TAT.ARC or control protein.

Multiple image alignment of neuronal stainings using anti-NeuN-DAB of sham mice and 28 days after 30 min MCAo. Mouse brains were cut in coronal sections using a mouse brain atlas (Franklin and Paxinos, 2007) to analyze direct and indirect infarct volumes, striatal area in a3 (area 3) and neuronal densities within the striatum in a3: a1: Bregma = 2.80; a2: Bregma = 1.54; a3: Bregma = 0.14; a4: Bregma = -1.94; a5: Bregma = -3.88. Image collection of NeuN-DAB-stained brain slices from mice 28 days post MCAo were collected as transmission images using a Leica DMI8 microscope equipped with LED light source, a Fluotar 10x/030 dry objective  and a DFC300G camera and stitched within the Leica LAS X2.0 software. The code of mice ID can be found in the excel spread sheet attached. a1-a5 and mouse ID is used in the file name.


German Research Foundation (SFB TRR43 and Exc257)
