Sending Mixed Signals: The Expanding Role of Molecular Cascade Mutations in Malformations of Cortical Development and Epilepsy

Epilepsy Curr. 2016 May-Jun;16(3):158-63. doi: 10.5698/1535-7511-16.3.158.


Advances in gene sequencing techniques have led to a dramatic increase in the number of signaling cascade and cytoskeletal assembly mutations associated with malformations of cortical development and epilepsy. At the forefront of this research are novel mutations found in regulators of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR cascade and tubulin-associated malformations of cortical development. However, there is limited understanding of the consequences of these newly discovered germline and somatic mutations on cellular function or how these changes in cell biology may lead to areas-large or small-of malformed cortex and recurrent spontaneous seizures. We summarize and discuss what is currently known in this field in an effort to shine light on vast gaps in our knowledge of relatively common causes of cortical malformations.