In the article “β-Adrenergic Signaling Promotes Morphological Maturation of Astrocytes in Female Mice,” by Marci F. Rosenberg, Marlesa I. Godoy, Sarah D. Wade, Mercedes F. Paredes, Ye Zhang, and Anna V. Molofsky, which appeared on pages 8621–8636 of the December 13, 2023 issue, an acknowledgement was omitted from the article thanking the investigator who provided the Adrb1 floxed allele used in the manuscript. The full acknowledgment statement appears below:
This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health R01MH119349 to A.V.M.; F30MH124367 to M.F.R.; R01NS109025 to Y.Z.; T32MH073526 to M.I.G.; and P01NS083513 and DP2NS122550-01 to M.F.P.; the Roberta and Oscar Gregory Endowment in Stroke and Brain Research to M.F.P.; and the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation Los Angeles Founder Chapter to M.I.G. We thank members of the A.V.M. laboratory for helpful comments on the manuscript; Gladstone Behavioral Core for assistance in behavioral testing and analysis; University of California at San Francisco Laboratory for Cell Analysis and Center for Advanced Technology for technical assistance; and Jae Yeon Kim and Alex Rezai for useful suggestions in optimization of human brain tissue staining. Schematics in Figures 2 and 4–7 were created with We thank Jeffrey Zigman at UT Southwestern Medical Center for generously sharing the Adrb1 conditional knockout mice and for helpful technical advice.
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