SfN members can no longer use their SfN member credentials to log into the JNeurosci website. Please use the process below to create JNeurosci-specific credentials to access articles. This process will not affect your SfN.org login or password.
If you need assistance at any point, please contact us at subscriptions@sfn.org or (202) 962-4911.
How to Regain Access
- Enter your member number (Customer Number) at http://admincenter.jneurosci.org/cgi/recnamepwd and click Send Request. The next screen will display your name and the portion of your email address after @. Follow the steps and a username and temporary password will be emailed to you.
- If you do not receive an email or the displayed email address was not current, please contact us at subscriptions@sfn.org or (202) 962-4911 to receive a temporary password.
- Once you have logged in, you can change your temporary password at http://admincenter.jneurosci.org/cgi/changeuserinfo.
- To access content, return to the homepage. You should now have access to all articles.
- In future JNeurosci visits, you can log in on article pages, below the Abstract and Significance Statement, to access content.
Activating Your Account
If you have not yet logged into the journal website, you will need to activate your account and create a username and password. You will need your member number to complete this process.